WE ARE a collaborative and technically qualified NETWORK, composed of public servants, managers and technicians, teachers, specialists and society, who jointly work for Governance in Public Administration.
Collaborative work is in our DNA, as we want to promote a more prosperous and integral Brazilian society by promoting the mechanisms of Public Governance: Leadership, Strategy and Control.
We are an optimistic team that works for BRAZIL. Collaborators, technicians and managers, professionals from different areas, making us a multidisciplinary team and servers from all spheres: Federal, State, District and Municipal.
We believe and fight for a better country. From Governance to Hope!

From Governance to Hope
Disseminate, encourage and support the implementation of Public and Private Governance in Brazil and Latin America, with integration, stimulating the culture of Governance in society.
To be recognized as an entity that promotes the implementation of Public and Private Governance, in Brazil and Latin America, in an integral, ethical, transparent manner and with a focus on delivering value to society, contributing to increased competitiveness and social development and economic in a sustainable way.
To promote a State that executes its public policies based on effective deliveries to society, capable of successfully disseminating good governance practices to public and private administrations.
I - Pro-activism: Commitment to the training of public agents, the development and dissemination of good governance practices in all federated entities, agencies, secretariats, autarchies, foundations, etc;
II - Independence: Sovereignty in the principles, zeal for the image and impartiality in the face of any interest groups;
III - Diversity: Valuing and encouraging a multiplicity of ideas and opinions;
IV - Collaborativism: Participants in the BRAZIL Governance Network work collaboratively, valuing the cooperative spirit to institutionally promote good practices in Public Governance; and
V - Coherence: Harmony between the principles of Public Governance, reliability, transparency, integrity, accountability, responsiveness and regulatory improvement.

RGB History
The Governança Brasil Network was created by João Augusto Ribeiro Nardes together with his advisor, Luís Afonso Gomes Vieira, and his daughter, Cristiane Nardes Farinon, on July 7th, 2019. The group's first meeting was held on August 27th of the same year, in Brasília. At the time, there were few members.
RGB emerged from a greater purpose and sense of urgency about the need for an effective implementation of good governance within the public administration. Augusto Nardes felt that only his work, in an attempt to disseminate good governance practices throughout Brazil, going from door to door in public bodies, governments and city halls and giving lectures to sensitize authorities, in addition to the books published on the subject, did not were enough, he needed a network of contacts that would support the cause along with him. It was for this purpose that the Rede Governança Brasil was founded, in order to gain capillarity in the country, reaching the states and municipalities with the methodology.
Nardes noted throughout his journey that many people, including himself, faced the daily challenge of working with governance and integrity. It was in this daily search that people interested in joining the movement emerged, one person was passing the message to another, and so the network grew rapidly.
Today, RGB is present in 22 states and in the Federal District/DF. And in 5 countries, Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, Italy and Peru, with more than 400 volunteers working collaboratively for a better country. All employees go through a filter, which assesses whether those interested in participating really have a strong connection with governance and, above all, whether they can contribute to volunteer work, as this requires investing a certain amount of time and dedication.
Even today, RGB with all its volunteers has been doing memorable work for society, converging their efforts to make the public administration more integral and efficient, every day, its employees work to transform Brazil.

2019 LOGO
2021 LOGO